

作者 – ethos[A]

This past summer I went with my dad on a Business Trip to Asia. We spent a total of 8 weeks in Hong Kong, Tokyo and Seoul. It was a great experience, one of my favorites, everyone was very welcoming and seemed to love Americans, if anyone has the opportunity to go to any of those 3 cities do so. But as I was there I stumbled into some CS players in Hong Kong as well as Seoul and found out how different their scenes were compared to the American/Euro scene, so here is my story about it.

In the past few years it seems like more and more Asian teams are bursting into the scene, most recently two major teams stand out in mind; TyLoo.PM and WeMadeFOX. This wasn’t always true tho, back in the early days of competitive CS and at the beginning of major world competitions such as WCG/CPL and ESWC there were no Asian teams in attendance. In Asia the first major game that introduced eSports to most countries was Age of Empires, which was followed by Starcraft, Warcraft and such.


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