“最重要是获得经验” – TRULS专访

  e-Stars Seoul 2011 Beat IT锦标赛赛前采访仍在进行,继Lurppismarkeloff专访后,今天我们联系到北美新势力UMX.us俱乐部第一狙击手Chris “TRULS” Navratil,请Chris向我们介绍一下并不被人熟知的UMX.us战队每个人的具体分工?在洛杉矶训练基地如何度过每一个训练日?对于EG的人员变动有何看法以及期望此次韩国之行将有怎样的收获呢?


  嘿,我的名字叫Chris “TRULS” Navratil,我在北美打职业已经两年了。我来自堪萨斯的Shawnee(对,我听多了关于绿野仙踪的neta),现在我和我的队友一起住在加州的Corona,我喜欢这个地方。


  首先从Ric “inertia” Bundy开始,他是我们CT方独守一区的人物,也是我们的场上队长。最近我们刚刚更换过阵容,因为dizzaman不想离家太远,所以inertia接手了。接下来是Kyle “flowsick” Mendez,他基本是游走的类型,因为他有很好的意识,也是我们队的Frag收割机。Ricky “slip” Cohen是我们的”young gunner”,因为他比大家都要小一些。Slip是我们做T时的突破收,也是CT方的主要枪手,大概是因为他的风格很激进吧。还有就是Bryan “buskey” Buskey,我们的新队员,他是很稳重的队员,可以说是队伍的“地刺(Lurker)”,他总是能给敌人以致命一击。最后我自己是狙击手,我的风格应该也是比较激进的。














  我们的确没有EG那样频繁在国际赛事中曝光,不过我们还是充满信心。Inertia曾经参加过Dallas的Arbalet Cup,其他人也和mTw交过手。至于压力到真没有什么,我们就是被低估的队伍。期待我们有上佳表现吧。至于目标当然是胜利,不过前六已经可以接受了。前途是光明的,道路是曲折的,获得经验是最重要的。







English Version
Hello TRULS, Let’s start things off by introducing yourself to the Chinese audience.

  Hey, my name is Chris “TRULS” Navratil. I’ve been playing Counter-Strike at a Professional level for about 2 years now in the USA scene. I’m originally from Shawnee, Kansas (yes I hear alot of the Wizard of OZ jokes) and of course I am now living in Corona, California with the rest of my teammates and loving it here.

As the leader of the UMX.us team, would you mind using one sentence to describe the role and play-style of each player on your team?

  I’ll start off introducing the rest of my teammates with Ric “inertia” Bundy, hes our solo site CT side player and also our Ingame Leader. We recently had to change lineups because dizzaman didn’t want to live away from his family, so Inertia stepped up and calls the Strats for us now. Next up is Kyle “flowsick” Mendez, he mainly plays rotator on CT sides because of his good ingame awareness and he is also considered our team’s “mad fragger”. Next is Ricky “slip” Cohen, hes been called our team’s “young gunner” because hes a couple years younger than most of the rest of our team. Slip is our T side entry fragger and our CT side main site rifler and probably has the most aggressive playstyle on the team. Then theres Bryan “buskey” Buskey, our newest member, who has a slower and more thought out play style. Buskey is our team “lurker” who works a side of the map by himself and gets crucial kills on opponents rotating. And lastly, I am the team sniper, I would have to say that my play style is aggressive.

We know that the UMX.us team members all live and practice in a house near LA area. What is usually the schedule like for your players? What do you guys usually do together off-gaming?

  The usual schedule Sunday through Thursday for us is to wake up around like 12pm (noon) then a couple of us go to the gym for an hour or so. We usually get back home between 1pm and 2pm, then we make some lunch and prepare for practice at 4pm. With our new team member we have had to change alot of our strats and setups so we usually go into a server and iron out our strategies until we can find an opponent to scrimmage against. We all death match alot and go over demos of us and demos of others to see what mistakes we made. Our day usually ends around 11pm or Midnight. Right now since we have a huge tournament coming up, we are playing 7 days a week, but alot of other teams don’t play on Fridays or Saturdays so its usually just us death matching or dry running strats/coming up with new strats. Outside of gaming, the ones of us that are over 21 go out to the local bars, or we all go see a movie or something.

  It has been two months since you guys bringing in buskey in the place of dizzaman, in what aspect do you think the new line-up is different from the old one we saw in last ESEA LAN playoffs?
Our new lineup has changed our overall team play style alot since dizzaman’s departure and buskey’s arrival. After ESEA LAN we watched our demos and noticed alot of problems that we were having with our teamplay and communications, we were ready to fix them and then dizzaman told us that he wouldn’t be staying in California with us, so that kind of set us back a bit. But I believe that this current lineup is stronger than our previous one. Buskey brings some good ingame knowledge as well as a slower play style which we needed. Dizzaman was also our ingame leader before he left, which he didn’t like doing, so now that Inertia has stepped into the role I feel like he does an amazing job of reading the other teams and reacting/adapting to the other team’s play style.

Your team is currently 7-2 in ESEA-Invite with losses to Full-Gaming and backfire, how do you think of your team’s performance so far? What is your goal in the upcoming LAN playoffs?

  Considering all the shakeups and changes the we’ve had to deal with I feel like our 7-2 start in the season of invite is very good. Obviously there is room for improvement, our de_nuke was very very weak, probably our weakest map, and so we lost to fullgaming on it. Since that loss we have completely retooled our nuke and hope to surprise some people in the upcoming tournaments. Our goal for the upcoming LAN playoffs are to take 1st place, but right now our complete thoughts are on E-STARS. We really want to make UMX proud and do our best in the international scene for them after all they have done for us.

EG made two roster changes recently in bringing pauLy and hero for fRod and Storm. How do you think of the new EG’s line-up? Do you think they can compete with the Europe’s finest with those fresh additions?

  The new EG roster is brand new and therefore I haven’t really gotten to play against them, but on paper they look to be a really strong team. Hero and pauly are both really amazing fraggers, the one thing I would be concerned about if I was an EG fan would be that this roster of players has generally made tons of roster changes for various reasons in the past. Regardless I hope they represent the USA well, I know I will be rooting for them as I hope they will be for us. And yes I think that they have the skill to compete with any team, the only problem would have to be the amount of time they play and practice.

It is rumored that your former teammate dizzaman is in the new coL project together with fRoD,Storm, Xp3 and hiko. Do you think this line-up can challenge the existing top teams like EG and you guys?

  I don’t know whether this lineup is happening or not. But I’ve been on teams with xp3 and dizzaman and I know that they are excellent players, and when you throw experienced players like frod and storm, I have no doubt that they will be competing with us and EG for the top spot in the USA.

UMX.us will be representing the continent of America along with EG in the upcoming E-Stars. How are you guys preparing for the event?

  Its crunch time at the UMX house, we have all been putting in maximum CS hours for this event so that we are all in top notch form. We are playing 7 days a week for this event, even though friday and saturday are light days due to the lack of quality teams that play on those days. As for other types of preparation, we are lightly skimming over certain team’s demos that we think we might play, so we have some idea of what to expect.

Most UMX members are relatively inexperienced on the international stage. How do you think you guys will deal with the pressure of competing against top teams from Europe and Asia? What will be your goal in Seoul?

  Its true that most of us haven’t gotten the international exposure that players from EG have gotten, but still we have high hopes for this tournament. Inertia was one of the top rated players at the Dallas Arbalet Cup and other players on the team have had a little experience playing teams like MTW. As far as pressure, there is very little pressure on our shoulders, we are coming in as the huge underdogs. So look for us to hopefully have some nice upsets, as far as a goal I would have to say that we are obviously hoping to win it, but a top 6 finish would be acceptable as well. We know that we are going to have a hard road ahead of us, but we look forward to the experience.

We know that your Asian partner team, UMX.tw, will also attend the E-Stars tournament. Is there any communication between the American team and the Taiwanese team? How do you think they would do in Korea?

  There is little to no communication between us and the Taiwanese team, mostly because there is no way to really get in touch with them I suppose. Unfortunately there aren’t very many chances for us to watch them play besides at that international tournament they went to at the last minute a couple months ago. And they surprised alot of people at that event I think, so I think the chance is definitely there for them to do well at E-STARS.

What will be UMX’s plan for the rest of the year? Will UMX attend more international tournaments after E-STARS?

  UMX’s plans for the rest of the year are ESEA LAN finals, WCG, and maybe this ESL tournament. Right now its hard to look past anything but E-STARS, but those are the other main tournaments that we will be attending. Also there might be a European tournament thrown in somewhere later in the year, nothing is for sure yet. But I would love to go to Europe to compete in CS.

Any last comments to your Chinese fans?

  To all our fans out there, thank you for the votes and support that you’ve given us. We really appreciate it and hope to make this event an exciting event to watch. Also we hope to make our way to the ESL Global Challenge in Guangzhou, China. I would also like to thank UMX and ZOWIE for giving us this amazing opportunity, we realize the chance you took on us and we hope to make you proud!

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7 评论

  1. Kenn


  2. Kenn

    希望能像Team 3D那样给力。

  3. HyppaN


  4. 冒泡

    翻译有误。 不是周围有超过21家酒吧,他的意思是年龄过21的就去酒吧喝酒。美国法律21以下不能喝酒,他提到SLIP年龄小。


