“西班牙有能力夺冠但不会做” – FlipiN专访

  十月初,西班牙x6tence俱乐部公布了最新阵容。老将Jonathan “MusambaN1” Torrent、Adrián “sioK” Rodríguez以及Aitor “milicua” Fernández同时宣布离队并决定退役,随后俱乐部将“休眠”已久的西班牙M4王子Antonio “FlipiN” Rivas召回,并重新组建x6tence.cs分队。近日,cnFrag.com联系到Antonio,请他谈谈离开电竞圈这一年光景都在做些什么、老队友MusambaN1等人的离队以及重组新阵容有何感想、对中国电竞的印象以及CS:Go的期望。


  Nihao,我的名字叫Antonio Rivas “FlipiN” del Rey,今年24岁,是x6tence.ESET的队长。flipin

























English Version

FlipiN, welcome back! Let?s first introduce youself to the Chinese audience.

  Nihao, my name is Antonio Rivas ” FlipiN ” del Rey i’m 24 years old and Captain of x6tence.ESET Counter-Strike team.

You have been away from the competitive scene for almost a year now; what did you do during this time period?

  Thinking and fixing some stuff of my personal life, i’m focused in e-Sports the most part of my life. I’ve been playing like 11 years and just need a break for a while to get more impulse.

What made you decide to come back to play competitively again?flips

  The team needs me, and i am a gamer who needs the team. I think you can´t be a Counter-Strike player just because you like the game and you wanna play, basically you born to be Counter-Strike player or you don´t.

From what you have seen so far, is the competitive scene different from the time you went inactive?

  Sure, now all the top teams have more or less the same level.

We know that you have been teammates with MusambaN1, SioK and Milicua at some time during your career, what do you think about their recent retirement?

  It’s sad for me but, maybe, they needed that break in your life to think about what you wanna be. They were big players and they will be forever in my heart.

The new x6tence line-up consisted of some names that are unknown to the Chinese CS community, do you mind using a sentence or two to give us some ideas about each of your teammates?

  They remember to me like old friends of AbitStrike and wNv, because they have that power inside of them, Of course, they need to pracc hard for getting close of my Chinese friends ;) but I think they could be the next generation of e-Sports in Spain with work and time.

What is the practice schedule like for your team? Do you play against only other Spanish teams or other teams in Europe as well?

  Now we play against all the teams, not only Spanish teams. We have to work step by step ,we need to learn the essence of team-play.

What will be the goal for the new x6tence line-up in the near future? Attending any tournaments?

  Of course, we have some Spanish tournaments in our mind but in the future we wanna recover our place into the top teams.

flipsYou have been a long time member for the x6tence team, what is your most memorable moment during that span?

  A lot of travels. WEG3, in Seoul, was the most memorable travel for me. I love Asia and i made good friendships with the Korean and Chinese guys. They are lucky because in his country the people know how hard is dominate the game and how many skill you need to have for be one of the best players in the world.

Every year in GameGune we see a lot of Spanish teams attending, but their results were not as good as those teams from Northern Europe and from USSR region. What do you think might be the reason which prevented Spain from having one of the top teams in the world?

  You are right, we are the only team in Spain who played the Final twice (2nd 2005, 1st, 2006). I think this is because they can´t play against the top teams and learn more about the game. i’m sure that Spain have the skill but if you don´t learn how to use it, u have nothing.

Have you ever visited China? If yes what do you like about it the most?

  No :( and i’m sad for this, but i’m sure that someday i will have the pleasure to visit it.

Valve just announced their new version CS:Go. What do you think of that game so far? Do you think it could replace 1.6?

  If they can make the same game with new graphics maybe they can made it. But the essence of the counter-strike are not the graphics, is the playability in the game and you can do everything with skill.

Any last comments to the Chinese fans?

  Before anything, i would like to say thanks to our sponsors because they give us the support to enjoy this and being Spanish it´s very important, so, thanks to ESET, NZXT and MadCatz. I want to announce to the Chinese players my personal twitter, nobody knows it yet :P. With this, i want to say thank you to all our fans in China and maybe, in the future, i will have the pleasure to travel to your amazing country. JUST THANKS and contact/follow me in http://twitter.com/#!/FlipiN1 @FlipiN1 !.Q(‘-‘Q)

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  1. 51t~


    • FreeKick

      中国的烂苹果啊 在cnfrag群里,就是消失一段时间了。

  2. moddii______________

    能上的 换个host文件 然后https: 就欧了

  3. FreeKick

    中国不能上twitter,怎么follow :eek:

    • EquinoX

      这话说到咱农民工心坎儿里去了 :oops:


