

  • 玩家zaka在本次活动中成为幸运儿,将获得由BitFenix公司提供的黑色Colossus(巨象)机箱1台,请通过您注册的信箱于2010年10月11日前将您的姓名、地址、联系电话发送到zotob[at]zotob[dot]org。

About BitFenix

  Focused on combining superior design with the latest advances in technology, BitFenix creates state-of-the-art computer hardware and peripherals that blur the line between man and machine.

  Users shouldn’t have to adjust themselves to the way their hardware works. So, we strive to put the user in complete control of his hardware, so that it functions as an extension of his will, and not as another variable he has to compensate for.

  In the heat of battle, the user should not have to worry about the state of his equipment, which is why BitFenix products are engineered to perform under even the most extreme conditions. No matter how taxing the situation, users can rely on the strength of BitFenix products to perform as they are intended.

  Finally, BitFenix is about performance. In the top levels of competition, the difference between first and second place can be razor-thin, which means that every advantage counts. BitFenix is about making high-performing products that give users an edge.

  BitFenix is the result of the collaboration of several veterans in both the technology and gaming industries. From the same minds behind some of technology’s most venerable products, our goal is to create products that grant the user the utmost control, strength, and performance to complete their computing tasks.

  We understand that some of the most innovative and novel concepts come from the community itself, which is why we take great steps to listen to the needs of our users and develop optimal ways to integrate their ideas into our products. By working closely with the global community, BitFenix is able to engineer solutions that directly address the needs of our users.

  Combining a deep understanding of gaming and other high-demand computing applications with superior engineering and design know-how, the BitFenix team is dedicated to creating the go-to computing products and peripherals for those who refuse to quit.

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7 评论

  1. zaka

    本以为这个活动会不了了之, 或者是黑幕内定, 这样的事情国内太多了. 没想到我居然会中奖 太神奇了. 感谢zotob.org, 以后我会继续支持你们的, 也感谢你们提供的HLTV转播, 速度很快很流畅.

  2. sh1nn


  3. n0funk


    • AzraelwOw

      这机箱这么费电? :eek:

      • n0funk


  4. FreeKick

    恭喜恭喜。这机箱不错呢 :lol:


